4 April 2016

The Day Bill Took Two Firsts and Four Seconds

When they were in their teens my Dad and my Uncle Bill got interested in gardening, dahlias from their parents and gladiolas from a friendly neighbour who liked to show them the ropes.

Dad had told me that he and his brother Bill entered the Montreal West Flower Shows many years, and usually one or the other (sometimes both) took home a win.

On August 26, 1936 for the floral and vegetable exhibits, Bill took two first prizes and four second prizes.

Since their father was estranged from his side of family, Dad and Bill didn't know that their great uncles and a cousin in Ottawa were avid gardeners. Their great uncle William specialized in roses and won many awards in the Lady Grey Competitions. His beautiful gardens were a delight for all the locals. Their great uncle Henry grew gladiolas. Henry won every year and his bulbs were in such demand he sold them for $2 a box. Henry's son Victor also won many awards for his gladiolus displays.

Charles Wilson Seale was born 10 Jan 1916 in Montreal to Thomas Alexander Seale and Marion Martha Tait. Bill is my uncle and my godfather.

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